The Yellow Melodies: Presenta el single Jackie

The Yellow Melodies: Presenta el single Jackie
Es una versión de Jacques Brel 

[Redacción] @ecosdelvinilo 

The Yellow Melodies presentan Jackie, nuevo videoclip producida durante la cuarentena, con la que los murcianos traducen en imágenes esta versión del tema de Jacques Brel que popularizara Scott Walker. Esta suerte de homenaje forma parte de Sunshine Pop EP 1, la primera entrega de esa trilogía de EP´s que la formación publicará de forma sucesiva.

Rafa Skam, alma y motor de The Yellow Melodies ha comentado sobre esta versión de Jackie, cercana al sonido de Pet Shop Boys, que se traslada «desde la atmósfera épica y orquestal del corte original, a terrenos más bailables con cierto sabor hispano”.


And if one day I should become
a singer with a Spanish bum
who sings for women of great virtue
I’d sing to them with a guitar I’d borrowed from a coffee bar
well, what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you!
My name would be Antonio and all my bridges I would burn
and when I gave them some they’d know
I’d expect something in return
I’d have to get drunk every night and talk about virility
with some old grandmama who might be
decked out like a Christmas tree
And though pink elephants I’d see,
though I’d be drunk as I could be
Still I would sing my song to me
about the time they called me Jackie.

If I could be for only an hour
If I could be for an hour every day
If I could be for just one little hour
A cute cute in a stupid-assed way

And if I joined the social world,
became procurer of young girls
then I would have my own bordellos
My record would be number one
and I’d sell records by the ton
all sung by many other fellows
My name would then be Handsome Jack and
I’d sell boats of opium, whisky that came from Twickenham,
authentic queers and phoney virgins
If I had banks on every finger, a finger in every country
and all the countries ruled by me
I’d still know where I’d want to be
Locked up inside my opium den surrounded by some Chinamen
I’d sing the song that I sang then
about the time they called me Jackie

Now tell me wouldn’t it be nice
that if one day in Paradise
I’d sing for all the ladies up there
And they would sing along with me,
we’d be so happy, that’d be
‘Cos down below is really nowhere
And if my name were Juniper
and I would know where I was going
and I would become all-knowing,
my beard so very long and flowing
If I became deaf, dumb and blind
because I pitied all mankind
and broke my heart to make things right,
I’d know that every single night
When my angelic work was through
the angels and the Devil too
would sing my childhood song to me
about the time they called me Jackie

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